My Story

Hi there! My name is Megan Stewart and I am a Speech/Language Pathologist that is passionate about literacy and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). I firmly believe that ALL kids, no matter what, should have and need to have access to amazing reading, writing and literacy experiences!

As a self-proclaimed book nerd, I am on a mission to share the love of literacy, reading and writing with anyone and everyone. If you are interested, I’d  love to have some help – working together we can make an even bigger impact! I love collaborating with other like minded literacy lovers – email me, hang out with me on social media and let’s connect!

 SENSEable Literacy

The name SENSEable Literacy  (no it’s not a typo) came from the belief that ALL kids are ABLE to learn to read and write and that the addition of sensory elements to the literacy experiences will help student’s activate their SENSEs . These two beliefs combined, led to the creation of SENSEable Literacy.

SENSEable Literacy was created to highlight multi-sensory learning and how activating students’ various senses increases engagement within literacy activities. Providing sensory experiences within literacy activities provides a variety of learning opportunities for students, allows them to tap into their senses (touch, taste, sight, hearing, smell) which increases their interaction within the activities, and helps boost comprehension and creativity.

Sensory based literacy kits paired with books are available for purchase in the SENSEable Literacy Shop!

I've been featured on/at:

image with a green background, black circle and text stating "SLP Happy Hour"
image with a multicolored background, picture of Venita Litvack and text Speechie Side Up
logo for the assistive technology industry association
logo for closing the gap
logo for the #talkingaac conference
logo for tassel together
logo for CEC Florida
AAC in the Cloud logo<br />
slp coffee talk poodcast cover photo featuring Hallie Sherman