Stop teaching “Letter of the Week” – do this instead!
Don’t teach “letter of the week”! I know that sounds like a bold statement but trust me when I say there is a better way that you can teach letters, the sounds they represent, and alphabetic knowledge, in general. The new way to teach alphabet knowledge skills is...
Repetition with Variety
Sometimes, when you are stuck thinking of something you can do in therapy, to highlight literacy, or simply in play, you may think you have to come up with something new but read on to find out why you don’t and why repeating the same things can be beneficial for all...
My favorite AAC tip!
I want to share my favorite AAC tip with you… This tip is specifically for those who use an iPad as their communication device. If you have worked with anyone, specifically children, who use an iPad, you know that the “home” button can be very distracting, especially...
Top 5 tips for getting staff buy-in for AAC & Emergent Literacy
How do I get staff to buy into modeling AAC and implementing emergent literacy strategies in their classrooms? This is one of the questions that I am most frequently asked when talking to other speech-language pathologists (SLPs). While I agree that getting staff...

Free CEUs!
It’s the busiest time of the year! Wrapping up the year, buying gifts for all you love, finding time to celebrate with all your friends and family, you may feel like you are running around endlessly, the last thing you should have to worry about is making sure you...
Say my name correctly!
Names are important! However, just like words, the pronunciation of some names can not be determined by spelling alone. Various things like accents, pronunciation of sounds, and influence from the sounds around it can influence how we say a person’s name. Therefore,...
More AAC apps for FREE!
Time for an update! In a previous blog post, I shared how I was working my way through the fantastic chart shared by Angela Moorad, MS CCC-SLP, from Omazing Kids AAC, LLC - Free AAC apps chart. Now, I’m back to update you on my progress, apps that I’ve added to my...
Ready to add some AAC apps to your iPad – for FREE?!?!
You know how you hear some things and think that they are just too good to be true? Well, getting a bunch of AAC apps for your iPad for free may sound too good to be true, but I promise you it’s both - it’s good AND true! First things first, I want to share that some...
Take your time with AAC
There are so many AAC apps out there - trying to learn all of them so that you can help provide access to those most beneficial for those you work with can be overwhelming, to say the least! However, let me reassure you that: You don’t have to learn ALL the AAC...

How to use the Dynamic AAC Goals Grid – 2 (DAGG-2)
Let me tell you about one of my favorite AAC tools. It’s wonderful to have in your back pocket for assessments, goal writing, progress monitoring, and more - and best of all, it’s FREE! I could go on and on about my love for this tool, but for now, let me introduce...